
» Law 4,595 of December 31, 1964 (Article 6) (1) Establishes the National Monetary Council (Conselho Monetário Nacional - CMN) with 9 members: the Minister of Finance, the governors of the Brazilian development bank (BNDES) and the Bank of Brazil, and 6 appointed members. Defines the Minister of Finance as the CMN’s President.
» Law 5,362 of November 30, 1967 (1) Raises the number of appointed members to 7.
» Decree 65,769 of December 2, 1969 (1) Includes the Ministers of Agriculture, Interior, Planning, Industry and Commerce, the Governor of the Central Bank, and reduces to 6 the number of appointed members.
» Decree 71,097 of September 14, 1972 (1) Includes the Governors of National Bank for Housing (Banco Nacional da Habitação - BNH) and the Federal Economic Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal).
» Law 6,045 of May 15, 1974 (1) Removes the Ministers of Agriculture and Interior, the Governor of the Federal Economic Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal), and reduces to 3 the number of appointed members.
» Law 6,385 of December 7, 1976 (1) Includes the Governor of the Security and Exchange Commission of Brazil.
» Decree 83,323 of April 1979 (1) The Chief-Minister of the Planning Secretary (Secretaria do Planejamento – Seplan) is established as president of CMN. Includes the Ministers of Agriculture and Interior, the Governor of the Federal Economic Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal) and the President of the Reinsurance Institute, the Director of the External Commerce Office of the Bank of Brazil and increases to 8 the number of appointed members.
» Decree 83,855 of August 15, 1979 (1) The Minister of Finance is reestablished as council president.
» Decree 85,776 of February 26, 1981 (1) Includes the Governors of the Bank of Amazonia (BASA) and the Bank of Northeast (BNB) and increases to 9 the number of appointed members.
» Decree 88,025 of January 6, 1983 (1) Permits the appointed members to rejoin the CMN board for an additional term.
» Decree 89,978 of July 18, 1984 (1) Permits the appointed members to rejoin the CMN board. The number of terms is not mentioned.
» Decree 91,185 of April 3, 1985 (1) Includes the Minister of Urban Development an Environment, and increases the number of appointed members to 10.
» Decree 93,490 of October 31, 1986 (1) Includes the Minister of Labor.
» Decree 2,291 of November 21, 1986 (1) Extinguishes the National Bank for Housing (Banco Nacional da Habitação - BNH) and transfers duties to the CMN.
» Decree 94,303 of May 1, 1987 (1) Includes a member in the board to represent the working class.
» Decree 99,207 of April 12, 1990 (1) Removes the Ministers of the Interior, of the Industry and Commerce, of the Urban Development, and the Governors of the Bank of Amazonia (BASA), the Bank of Northeast (BNB), the President of the Reinsurance Institute, the Director of the External Commerce Office of the Bank of Brazil. Reduces to 6 the number of appointed members. On the event of the administrative reform, under President Collor’s term, several ministries had their names altered.
» Law 8,056 of June 28, 1990 (1) Includes the Governor of the Bank of Northeast (BNB).
» Law 8,422 of May 13, 1992 (1) Creates and extinguishes ministries of President Collor’s term, affecting the CMN board membership.
» Law 8,646 of April 7, 1993 (1) Includes the Chief-Minister of the Planning Secretary (Secretaria do Planejamento – Seplan), the Ministers of the Industry and Commerce, of the Social Security (Previdência Social), and the Governor of the Bank of Amazonia (BASA).
» Law 9,069 of June 29, 1995 (Chapter II). (1) Reduces the composition of CMN to the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Planning and the Governor of the Central Bank.

1) This content is available in Portuguese only.