Current banknotes

1 Real - R$ 1.00
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: green
1 real - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
1 real - back Back:
Picture of a Hummingbird (Amazilia lactea). It is found mainly in South America and more than a hundred species are found in Brazil.

2 Reais - R$ 2.00
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: blue and gray
2 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
2 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), one of the five sea turtle species found in the Brazilian coast.

5 Reais - R$ 5.00
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: violet
5 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
5 reais - back Back:
Picture of a great egret (Casmerodius albus), long-legged wading bird (Family Ardeidae). Species representative of the fauna found in the Brazilian territory.

10 Reais - R$ 10.00
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: crimson
10 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
10 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Greenwing Macaw (Ara chloreptera), large colorful parrot of the Psittacidae family. It is found in the Brazilian territory and in other Latin-American countries.

20 Reais - R$ 20.00
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: yellow and orange
20 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture..
20 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Golden Lion Tamarin (Leonthopitecus rosalia), reddish orange to golden brown primate and with long tail, native to the Atlantic forest of Brazil. It is a symbol of the struggle for the preservation of endangered Brazilian species.

50 Reais - R$ 50.00 (Second Banknote Series, launched in December 2010)
Dimensions: 149 x 70 mm.
Predominant color: beige
50 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
50 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Jaguar (Panthera onca), large and beautiful feline, threatened with extinction, but still found mainly in the Amazon Basin and in the Mato Grosso forests.

50 Reais - R$ 50.00 (First Banknote Series)
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: brown
50 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
50 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Jaguar (Panthera onca), large and beautiful feline, threatened with extinction, but still found mainly in the Amazon Basin and in the Mato Grosso forests.

100 Reais - R$ 100.00 (Second Banknote Series, launched in December 2010)
Dimensions: 156 x 70 mm.
Predominant color: blue
100 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
100 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), fish of the family Serranidae, and it is one of the most known found in the Brazilian coast.

100 Reais - R$ 100.00 (First Banknote Series)
Dimensions: 140 x 65 mm.
Predominant color: blue
100 reais - front Front:
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture.
100 reais - back Back:
Picture of a Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus), fish of the family Serranidae, and it is one of the most known found in the Brazilian coast.

Information on banknotes and coins of previous monetary standards to Real can be obtained in the Money Museum of Banco Central do Brasil.